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This is more like it. You know this a bad movie but its great fun. Tim Burton's crazy imagination is let run here just like the herd of burning cattle. Who can forget suave Pierce Brosnan prancing around with his head on a chihauha's body. The only slightly sour note is Jack Nicholson's over the top performance in two roles and as a comedian he's a good dramatic actor.

And the alien's are almost cute as they vaporize all and sundry with mischievous looks on their faces. A guilty pleasure and one of the few movies I can watch again and again.

Every now and then you see a movie thats a classic on every level and grabs you and never lets go. Unfortunately this is not that movie. In fact I don't even know what its like as I've never seen it or even want to see it. Its something about an alien from a space ship who loses a hand and it comes alive and grows an eyeball ( I'm not making this up).

In fact the only reason this is here is what a great poster and I wish I had it so I could hang it in my living room.

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